Tuesday, October 19, 2010


So tomorrow I am giving my first spanish IA...........it will the longest i have ever talked in spanish!!!!!!!!!! I have everything memorized and now i just need to calm my nerves so i will do good tomorrow!!!!!!!!! pshhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so close to hyperventilating or vomiting or both!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need some divine guidance and will be praying very hard tonight. Let's hope all goes well  

Monday, September 20, 2010

Premier Week

Ok so this is the week I have been waiting for. All my TV shows are coming back, the shows I watch include:

Gossip Girl
Grey's Anatomy
Private Practice
Rizzoli and Isles
Pretty Little Liars
The Ellen show

I know it's a lot, but TV is my escape from the real world so what ever. This week isn't all fun and games because I have a lot to do before Friday when I leave for Kansas to visit my sister for family weekend. Speaking of my sister I think it's time to bring it back and explain my family a bit. My parents are divorced and remarried to other people now. My dad married Rita aka step monster and my mom married her high school sweet heart, Tim. Because of this I technically have 3 brothers and 3 sisters. Emily is 20 and my real sister, thats who I'm going to visit. My stepdad has 3 kids, Pete,Jim, and Sam. Pete and Jim are 15 year old twin boys (stinky), Samy is a 13 year old girl. The step monster has 2 kids. Micheal is 12 and well yeah, Morgan is 14 and we get along thanks to our mutual love of Grey's Anatomy. Well thats all for now =)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Wellll hello there, how are we doing today. Sorry I didn't update this week. Right now I am installing sims 3 and hope to make a nice family. hahahahah. I think i'm going shopping today with my mom. I need new jeans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will walk the dog later. Hmmmmmmmmmm..........oh I took my senior pictures yesterday.........I think they will come out good. Thats all for now

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hello blog....so I have been enjoying  my 3 day weekend.I watched some good movies and walked the dog. Now I am watching House online. Its one of my favorite shows.

One of the movies I watched was Little Manhattan....it is amazingly cute and adorable. Its a little older but I love it.

Tomorrow I am going to the movies with a friend cause her birthday is today now that we are both 17 we want to go see an R-rated movie so that's what we are going to do!

Welllllllllll that's all Ive got for now..........byeeeeeeee

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Mac the Pahg

Well let's seeeeeee today I had a HOTA essay test mehhhhh. I think I did ok idk. Bio deff made my day though....the doc had a stuffed white blood cell (totally adorable) and I named it Mac the Phag! hahahaha because its a macrophage and macrophages are one of 3 phagocytes in the immune system. The doc then picked up this light up thing that looked like a bacteria she then took mac and the bacteria and slammed them together saying "this is what white blood cells do, they eat bacteria on nom nom om nom!" hahahaha made my day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also Gammie didn't make us write an essay like the other class did!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha he loves ussssssssss more than monday/weds

In other news I got some awesome BONES spoilers today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Angela and Hodgins will have a baby!!!!!!!!!!! squeeeeeeeeeeeee maybe this season will be good after all! I can not wait for September 23 so I can watch Greys and Bones!!!!!!!!!!!! Thursdays will be awesome!

I have decided that starting today I am going to walk or run everyday. I just got back and it was so nice and relaxing I was all alone and it was quiet. my goal is to be nice and pretty for when I start college a year from now. Let's gooooooooooooooooooooo

PS:this Mac....he's a phag!!!!!!!!! Om nom!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Rock Chalk!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today was a pretty good day, aside from going to the doctors. I didn't do much at school and I got to do a fun bio assignment and had nice convo with my friend Ama who lives in Puerto Rico. I also started my KU application which became available today!!!!!!!!!!!! Woooohooooooooo ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK! I am actually excited about applying for colleges because it means I am on my way out of my parents house and one step closer to freedom. Sometimes I want to fast forward and be done with high school and being a minor. 

One downside to today was English. the Wicked Witch has decided to give us test on the book we have been reading. I read it but that was a few weeks ago and she asks stupid questions on her tests.Also I didn't do as good on the easy Spanish test as I thought I did. Grades come out Friday...eeepppp I'm just glad I have a C in calc.

Tomorrow is Thursday which means I have a Christian club meeting! yayayayayayayy! Hopefully we will move meetings to Tuesday so I can go to christian club and taskforce.

OK well that's all for today. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Teachersssss

Sooooooooooooo I finally got my HOTA thing done...woohooooo. All I have to do is math in the morning. Unfortunately I have to go to the doctors again tomorrow..o joy! Tonight was nice because I was alone for awhile and i made mac&Cheese with hot dogs for dinner..om nom. I have an idea for my next blog,I will tell you about each of my teachers.  Here we go....

First there is the angry and sarcastic Mr.Vallejo or Mr.V. He's pretty cool and teaches me HOTA which is not that interesting. We have been on the Mexican revolution for ever =(

Next is the amazing and easily distractable Dr.Mardahl. or the Doc She teaches me AP Biology which I lovelovelove! <3

Next comes the horrible and scary Ms.Veltre or the Wicked Witch of BVH. I have to sit through an AP English class with this woman. I am afraid I'm gonna fail the test in may. She has old lady knees that distract me eeeepppp

Fifth period is spent with the excitable and very republican Mrs.De La Cruze or DLC. Obviously she teaches Spanish. I hate speaking Spanish so I hate that classsss

Then there is the nerdy and genius Mr.Phelps or Phelpsie. Another amazing teacher with an adorably drooly child (Enoch). He makes AP calculus enjoyable

Lastly there is The amazing and philosophical Mr.Gamez or Gammie. He teaches Theory of Knowledge(TOK) which is basically philosophy. He is old and is the resident grandpa to his TOK class. He is also my extended essay advisor.

Good night.....see you tomorrow hopefully

Currently listening to High School Never Ends by Bowling for Soup....very Appropriate